The Socioeconomic Impact of Armed Conflict on Sudanese Urban Households

The report titled “The Socioeconomic Impact of Armed Conflict on Sudanese Urban Households,” jointly published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), offers a detailed analysis of how the ongoing conflict is affecting urban households in Sudan.

The study is based on analyses of a comprehensive survey of urban households across the country that both organizations conducted between May 2024 and July 2024, including 3,000 households. The survey highlights the far-reaching consequences of the conflict on key aspects of daily life and livelihoods, including income, employment, health, education, access to other critical services, and overall household vulnerability.

Some key findings from the report include:

  • Displacement: Approximately 31% of urban households have been displaced.
  • Employment: Gender disparities were stark, with a 59 percent employment rate for males compared to only 12 percent for females.
  • Education: Around 70% of urban households had one or more of their children stop attending school.
  • Health Services: More than 75% of households reported having access to full health services before the conflict. However, after the conflict, less than 16% were able to obtain full health services. In contrast, partial access to healthcare became significantly more common following the outbreak of violence.

The report emphasizes the profound effects of the conflict on urban households, underscoring the need for urgent and targeted policy and programmatic interventions to support urban communities adversely affected by the ongoing conflict.

In conclusion, the study provides a comprehensive assessment of how the ongoing conflict affects urban households in Sudan, highlighting the critical need for targeted interventions to address both immediate economic challenges and long-term development obstacles.

Find the full Report below:

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