A recently released paper written by Julia Palik, Mauricio Rivera Celestino, David Gomez-Triana, Nicholas Marsh, and Ida Rødningen introduces a global disaggregated dataset on Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) provisions in peace agreements (PAs) from 1975 to 2021, addressing gaps in existing datasets. It disaggregates DDR components, third-party involvement, and references to women and child ex-combatants.
Key findings reveal that DDR components rarely appear together: 47% of PAs include at least one DDR element, but only 26.9% contain the full package. Disarmament is most common (88% of DDR-inclusive PAs). Third-party actors are involved in 55% of cases, particularly in full-package agreements. However, references to women and child ex-combatants remain rare.
The dataset enables research on DDR effectiveness, highlighting that security (disarmament) is often prioritized over social and economic reintegration. Findings suggest democracy and government conflicts increase full-package inclusion, while wealthier countries are less likely to include demobilization and reintegration.
We highly recommend reading the report in full.
The report can be found here: