IISS: Armed Conflict Survey 2024

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) recently released their 2024 survey. The Armed Conflict Survey is the Institute’s annual assessment of ongoing conflicts, examining their political, military, and humanitarian dimensions. Providing in-depth analysis of the key drivers and evolving dynamics of contemporary wars, it serves as a vital resource for security policymakers and an essential reference for anyone conducting serious research on armed conflict.

The Armed Conflict Survey 2024 provides a comprehensive analysis of ongoing conflicts, covering key political, military, and humanitarian developments from July 2023 to June 2024. It offers strategic insights into national and regional conflict drivers, geopolitical influences, and future outlooks. Special focus is given to interconnected global conflicts, with in-depth regional spotlights on critical issues such as the expansion of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations, instability in the Western Balkans, and Iran’s use of non-state armed groups. The report also features expanded profiles of conflict parties and introduces the Armed Conflict Global Relevance Indicator (ACGRI), a proprietary index assessing conflicts based on human and geopolitical impact. Additionally, it presents key conflict statistics on violence, displacement, and military power, complemented by over 60 full-color maps, tables, and infographics. The 2024 Chart of Armed Conflict provides a visual overview of global conflict dynamics, emphasizing the economic factors driving and sustaining wars, as well as governance structures established by non-state actors.

Although the report is not free, it might be worth buying for those interested in these issues and wants to deepen their knowledge.

Find the Armed Conflict Survey 2024 below:

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) recently released their 2024 survey. The Armed Conflict Survey is the Institute’s annual assessment of ongoing conflicts, examining their political, military, and humanitarian dimensions. Providing in-depth analysis of the key drivers and evolving dynamics of contemporary wars, it serves as a vital resource for security policymakers and an essential reference for anyone conducting serious research on armed conflict.

The Armed Conflict Survey 2024 provides a comprehensive analysis of ongoing conflicts, covering key political, military, and humanitarian developments from July 2023 to June 2024. It offers strategic insights into national and regional conflict drivers, geopolitical influences, and future outlooks. Special focus is given to interconnected global conflicts, with in-depth regional spotlights on critical issues such as the expansion of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations, instability in the Western Balkans, and Iran’s use of non-state armed groups. The report also features expanded profiles of conflict parties and introduces the Armed Conflict Global Relevance Indicator (ACGRI), a proprietary index assessing conflicts based on human and geopolitical impact. Additionally, it presents key conflict statistics on violence, displacement, and military power, complemented by over 60 full-color maps, tables, and infographics. The 2024 Chart of Armed Conflict provides a visual overview of global conflict dynamics, emphasizing the economic factors driving and sustaining wars, as well as governance structures established by non-state actors.

Although the report is not free, it might be worth buying for those interested in these issues and wants to deepen their knowledge.

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